Reconnection Retreat

How is your sex life?  If you are in a relationship/s,  how is it really going?   

Now take a moment to consider if you are happy with how things are.  In the pursuit of happiness, the quality of our relationships with ourselves, with others, and in sexual intimacy are fundamental.   This takes me to my next question, do you need some help to attend to your sex life and or your relationship/s?

Therapy during your time off may be the perfect way for you to attend to what is important. Many people are choosing to invest their money and time in body cosmetic modifications (e.g. such as plastic surgery, or hair implants).  These pursuits may work for some in helping them to feel better about themselves and it’s ok, and yet the core of happiness is inside of you.  Investing in this direction is gold.  Consider attending to your needs in an intensive, shortened amount of time, and to do it in a part of the world of your choosing.

I am presently based in the UK and in Eastern Africa.

Reconnection Retreat- Awaken and expand your sexuality and intimacy possibilities.

A tailored package designed just for you, offering a holistic approach of Clinical Sexology, Relationship Therapy and Yoga Therapy.  Elevate your sex life and enrich your relationship/s.    This package is for clients who wish to attend Therapy in a concentrated amount of time.  Immerse yourself in healing and pleasure, combining it  with your time off.  A chance to really get away and attend to what is important to your life.  Lisa can meet you globally as your personal Therapist at a negotiated destination.  

  • Available for individuals, couples and thruples/ polycules.
  • LGBTQIA+ and Heterosexual clients are welcome.  
  • If you identify as having a disability and/or being neurodiverse you are also welcome. 
Lisa running a polycule reconnection retreat
Clinical Sex and Relationship Therapy

Also known as Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy

Our sexual pleasure and health is a part of our overall health.  If we choose to be in relationship/s, it is important from time to time check in and see what can be done to elevate it, so all involved want to continue to be in it.  

Lisa Yoga
Lisa McGarva  is a Sex Positive Therapist and trained in Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversities (GSRD).  Lisa is against practices of conversion therapy.  Identifying as queer herself, she is also a LGBTQIA+ safe space.

Examples of enhancements and challenges  that Lisa can help you with  (this is not an exhaustive list, if your problem is not listed I encourage you to please reach out):  

  • enhancement of sexual pleasure
  • better intimacy, connection & communication in relationships
  • explore your sexual template, and if you have a partner/s- understanding theirs so you may then negotiate what you’d like to explore and negotiate together
  • consensual non-monogamy
  • repairing relationship ruptures
  • relationship problems couples/ polycules
  • erection problems
  • inability to orgasm
  • desire discrepancy (low or high libido)
  • painful sex (vulva, vagina, anus)
  • premature/early ejaculation
  • problematic porn use
  • sex, gender, erotic and relationship identity concerns
  • sexual compulsions
  • specific sexual interests (BDSM, kinks and fetishes)
  • sex education- understanding anatomy, arousal & how to access pleasure.
  • disability and sex (lifelong or acquired).
  • attending to trauma & shame
  • changes in the body (pregnancy, menopause, aging)
Before meeting in person at the retreat  

For a thorough understanding of the therapy goals that are being presented, and in planning what is required to help the client/s, Lisa conducts a bio-psycho- social assessment.  

The assessment is conducted online.  Three one hour sessions (over 3 weeks) would be needed. A fourth session is then conducted to take the client/s through the Therapy Plan (what we will focus upon during the retreat). 

Reconnection retreat

3 days of   Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy and bespoke Yoga  (the amount of days the retreat goes for is negotiable).

Lisa draws on different tools to use in therapy that are evidence based from clinical research . She chooses approaches which are deemed appropriate for the client/s.

Psychosexual and Relationship therapy is essentially talk therapy.  Everyone is suitably clothed during each session.  Lisa may do some somatic work with client/s, this does not involve touching the clients or clients touching her.  She may ask the clients to engage in some experiential activities during the therapy, and may also share some resources.  Depending on the presentation of problem/s, sometimes there may be requests for clients to do some detailed touching work exploring sexual intimacy.  If this is the case, the client/s would have privacy to do this (without Lisa’s presence).   

During the Reconnection Retreat Lisa will help you to  reconnect to yourself, or if you are attending with your partner/s with them also, revitalising your relationship.  These days are by design for you, and time in sessions together can be negotiated and flexible for your needs. Some clients may for example prefer to have less/ no yoga time,  rather using that time for their own reflection or engage in their own recreational plans.  

The Reconnection Retreat is an opportunity to attend to the Therapy process and go deeply while you are held in a safe space.  Depending on the therapy goals, further Therapy work may be necessary.  If this is the case then further sessions can be arranged together online after the retreat.  

 The following is an example of what 3 days together may look like.

Yoga Therapy

2x 90 min daily classes. Bespoke practices designed for your specific body’s needs (body and mind).  Beginners to yoga are very welcome. These sessions are optional.

Morning Practice:  

Start the day by reconnecting to yourself,  learning to feel safe within your body and practicing self-regulation.   Movement, breath and guided meditation. Starting the day from a position of being grounded, calm and centred.

Optional  during the morning yoga practice: 

Guided Partner Yoga/ Tantric practices Deepen the experience of connection with yourself and your partner with yogic  touch and breathwork.  Practice building your trust with each other, effective communication-articulating what you need and listening to  your partner’s needs, build intimacy while supporting each other.  Practice co-regulation with each other when experiencing difficult feelings.  Partner yoga is a beautiful practice of experiential learning.  Sometimes things are better understood with movement and touch than relying on words alone.  

Evening Practice: 

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic rest/sleep) for deep rest.  Let go of the accumulation of stress, anxiety and tension that has been building.  Teach your body what it feels like to experience deep rest so you can feel safe and secure within yourself.    Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra Meditation are beautiful practices to enhance the experience of deep relaxation and dramatically enhance an awareness of your body, mind and emotions. 

A possibility for a schedule may look like:

Please note that the times and the schedule is completely flexible.  This is YOUR time.  If you would prefer for example; a sleep in and start the day for Therapy after breakfast, or if you’d like to move the entire schedule a little further back in the day, all is negotiable.

Lisa Yoga
  • Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy Assessment- 4x weekly online sessions (1hour) with client/s.
    • Fee as per regular online client 1:1 Therapy.  £100 per session.  £150 for 1:2 or polycules.
  • Lisa’s fee for three days on the Reconnection Retreat:  
    • 9 hours of in person Yoga Therapy and Psychosexual and Relationship therapy each day:
    • 3x 90 minute yoga therapy sessions (morning and evening).
    • 3x 2 hour Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy sessions. 
    • Lisa’s fee for three days: £3000

Additional costs for Lisa:

  • Return flights from Lisa’s base at that time.  The location of Reconnection Retreat is subject to approval by Lisa.  Please note that many countries are not LGBTQIA+ safe, some countries also have bans on sexually explicit materials.  This has implications for being able to share resources and being able to bring equipment that may be deemed necessary for your particular problem/s. 
  • Visa fee’s for Lisa (if applicable).
  • Business class for flights/ train if more than 3 hours travel time for Lisa (if applicable).
  • Daily fee to compensate travel time and recovery for jet lag £1000 per day (if applicable).
  • Hotel accommodation (Lisa has her own single room). Accommodation conditions to be approved by Lisa before booking. 
  • Upon the agreement of accommodation and travel details, Lisa will make her own bookings.
  • Booking of a suitable therapy space where we can do Yoga and have Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy together. 
The therapy space should be:
  • Suitably private, accounting for changeable weather (if outside), temperature and free of distractions. It should be a quiet space.
  • In Therapy, privacy and confidentiality is  highly important.  We should be able to speak freely and openly about the things we need to talk about without having to self-sensor. 
  • The space should also be a secure public space and not in your home/ room.   
  • Hotels/ resorts/ retreat spaces which have a  separate space for therapy would be suitable.

A discount of 10% from the Reconnection Retreat fees are available for existing client/s who are engage in Therapy with Lisa.  


Clients are responsible for organising their own suitable level of insurance for the Reconnection Retreat.

Items clients should bring:

Clients are to wear suitable clothing that they feel comfortable to stretch and move in.  Wearing  clothes that you can layer including a light jumper and socks for the evening Yoga Therapy sessions.  Clothing should reflect the climate and the Therapy Space conditions.

Please bring your own yoga mat, yoga strap and 2 yoga blocks. 

Personal time:

Outside of agreed scheduled time for Yoga and Therapy, time for both the client/s and Lisa shall be separate.  It is important to allow for moments in the day for self-reflection which is important in the process of Therapy.  Lisa requests that her personal time outside of Therapy and Yoga sessions are respected, as she also needs ‘quiet time’ for her own reflection in working with clients which can be very intensive.  Lisa will have meals by herself. 


Please click (HERE) to book in for a Pre-Therapy 60-minute consultation. Upon making a booking, you will be sent an automated email which will include:

  • A link to join for the Pre-Therapy 60-minute consultation
  • Further information about the Reconnection Retreat.  This includes a form for you to fill out some basic information of a space you have in mind to have the Reconnection Retreat held in, possible dates, information on costings to consider.
  • Pre-Therapy form for each client to fill out advising Lisa of why they are seeking therapy.
  • Client Registration form. Some basic information about each client for Lisa’s records.  
  • Schedule overview for your records (also listed on this page).
Step 1

Client/s book in for a Reconnection Retreat enquiry video call. 

Pre-Therapy form / Retreat Info sent to client/s and returned to Lisa.

Forms due prior to the enquiry video call.

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Step 2

Enquiry video call. Client/s attend video call.  60 mins.

Therapy goals and submitted info discussed.

Client/s have 48 hours to decide if to proceed or not.

Lisa if willing to go ahead, then will send the Client Agreement for Therapy Form for signing.  This is consent for Therapy.

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Step 3

If Client/s agree to proceed, advise Lisa within 48 hours.  They email back the signed Client Agreement for Therapy Form.

Lisa then signs and returns this form for the Client/s records and invites the Client/s to book in for their first online therapy session/s through the website.  Payment and the calendar booking for each online session is managed through the bookings page on the website.

Lisa will check the Retreat Information submitted by the client, and calculate the total costs.

An itemised costings will be sent to the client/s.

A 50% non-refundable fee is due before the first session of online Therapy.

Lisa will provide the details for the transfer.

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Step 4

Online Therapy session no. 1

Either 1:1, or 1:2+.   60 mins.

Lisa commences the Therapy Assessment.

Payment for session no. 1 due prior to session.

50% non-refundable fee for retreat due prior to this session commencing.

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Online Therapy session no. 2
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Online Therapy session no. 3
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Online Therapy session no. 4

Bio Psycho Social Therapy Plan.  

Lisa talks through the Therapy plan.

Client/s can be advised on what will be worked upon during the retreat.

Balance of payment due prior to this session.

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Reconnection Retreat

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Ongoing therapy online if needed.

How To Book

Please click (HERE) to book in for a Pre-Therapy Consultation video chat. Upon making a booking, you will be sent an automated email which will include:

  • A link to join for the Pre-Therapy Consultation video chat
  • Reconnection Retreat
  • Pre-Therapy Assessment form
  • Client Registration form for each client
  • Schedule overview (also listed above on this page).

You might like to learn a little more about me on LinkedIn or get in touch via one of the channels below.


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Society of Australian Sexologists Ltd
Lisa McGarva is an Accredited Clinical Psychosexual Therapist with the Society of Australian Sexologists Ltd.
She adheres to the Society’s Code of Ethics and Practice. To find out more, go to

Contact Lisa

Contact Lisa via email, whatsapp, or social media.

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